ORAL IV – What it IS and what it IS NOT……

Much of the debate around ORAL I.V.® of late is based on various testing and analyses that attempt to compare ORAL I.V. with existing beverages and hydration supplements.  It’s time to reconnect readers with what this product is and is not. First – ORAL I.V. is not an electrolyte replacement. Certain writers claim to have ‘analyzed’ the content of the product and state that the contents of ORAL I.V. ‘could not possibly’ replace any minerals lost during exertion.  They are correct. The Bio-Charged Crystalloid Electrolytes in ORAL I.V. aren’t supposed to replace lost electrolytes. ORAL I.V. utilizes various trace minerals which also have the ability to act as electrolytes that the body needs for hydration support. They are formulated into a synergistic matrix that functions directly on the electrostatic potential of the body’s cells. For those who have grown up believing that dosage is everything when it comes to various compounds in the body, the scientific community is now realizing, albeit slowly, that the mechanism known as “hormesis” is in play and helps to explain how minute amounts of trace minerals can still have a profound effect – especially those that are produced through our proprietary process. But the ingredient list is only a small part of the story. The methods by which our natural sources of minerals are combined utilizing nanotechnology, and the sequencing through which each component is added, are all parts of the proprietary process used to create ORAL I.V. Anyone who has ever baked a cake understands that there is more to it than simply dumping ingredients into a bowl and stirring. While this is an oversimplification, it underscores the need for the right amount, quality and correct level of agitation of those ingredients to achieve a result. Creating the ORAL I.V. product requires a complex and time-consuming sequencing process which subjects the chosen minerals to various treatment procedures that transform them into ORAL I.V. Without an understanding of that process, which cannot be disclosed because it is proprietary, some find it difficult to understand how so little can do so much and may jump to a conclusion that “this little shot in a bottle can’t possibly do what you say it does.” Yet the results experienced by many serious athletes, tactical officers and military operators are undeniable. Such elite performers have been training for decades and know how everything they put in their bodies affects them. They are extremely skeptical about any new “performance-enhancing” products. Products either work or do not work for these individuals and they are impervious to “hype” or the placebo effect. Telling such individuals that “they are wrong” about how ORAL I.V. has affected them is preposterous. As to various other misconceptions about ORAL I.V., let us be clear. ORAL I.V. does not replace “volume” of water. It does not replace minerals lost through exertion. It is not a sports drink. It is not a stimulant or energy beverage. It definitely is not “just tap water” nor is it a “scam” as several individuals have suggested. But it IS a bio-charged solution utilizing known trace minerals chosen and modified to optimize how the body utilizes water and electrolytes. ORAL I.V. enhances the bio-electric charge of cells in a way that helps the body use water and minerals very efficiently. It has been proven to work time and time again by individuals who train hard, work hard, and are committed to peak performance. With the proliferation and profit motive associated with the hydration and supplement world, it is easy to listen to skeptics who are quick to judge without having access to all the facts. Many of those skeptics are well-intentioned, hoping to save potential users from spending their hard earned money on products that just don’t work or are even potentially dangerous.  Yet the  testing ‘methodologies’ employed by various writers are grossly inadequate in addressing how our product works and telling the correct and complete story of ORAL I.V. We can assure you that ORAL I.V. is safe, effective and produced to the highest standards of quality under manufacturing controls established by the FDA. ORAL I.V. is manufactured in a FDA-approved CGMP facility according to ISO 9001 standards. Per FDA guidelines, our facility establishes and strictly adheres to current best practices to ensure the quality of ORAL I.V. and to ensure that ORAL I.V. is packaged and labeled as specified in the Master Manufacturing Record. We encourage consumer education so if you have questions or concerns, just reach out and ask. Ultimately, the best test for the efficacy of ORAL I.V. is you. So we welcome you to share your story.   The ORAL I.V.® Team